We will start applying the two-factor authentication on MONT portal

28.08.2023 Print news

It will be turned on the required two-factor authentication since the 11-th of September in order to enhance security of the accounts on MONT portal.

Check out, please, the instructions for set up.

For the authorization on MONT portal if you use a common corporate e-mail to which other staff members of your company have access or use other email addresses @gmail.com, @yandex.ru, @mail.ru and other similar public services, we recommend you to  install an application for code generation of the confirmation, for example «Yandex.Key», «Microsoft Authenticator» or «Google Authenticator».

Also we recommend you to reset your password on MONT portal.

 You will have an opportunity to set up the two-factor authentication at your personal account on the portal on the 29-th of August.

If there are problems with reseting a password or setting up the two-factor authentication, write to our technical support e-mail: support@mont.com.

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